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STEP 2 of 3: Your FREE One-Card Reading

You chose the THOTH deck.  

Thoth is the Egyptian god of wisdom and knowledge. Published in 1944, the illustrations in this Thoth deck were painted by Egyptologist Lady Freida Harris according to instructions from Aleister Crowley. The great cultural anthropologist Angeles Arrien, that I studied with in-person for 16 years, preferred this deck because of its cross-cultural incorporation of Egyptian, Grecian, Eastern, Medieval, Christian, Cabalistic and Alchemical symbols.

Below are 8 Major Arcana cards from the Thoth deck to choose from for your one-card reading.

By the way you can turn over the other cards too but to get the most benefit from this experience, please go through the process with just one card first. 

Before you draw your card…

First take some time to invite awareness into your body. Feel the contact of your whole body with what you are sitting on.  Follow the flow of your breathing.

Next invite awareness further inward in your body, like you’re arriving deeper within yourself.  There in that inner area, invite a feel and a sense of how you are right now.  

Now click on the card you feel most drawn to right now.

Flip All Cards

Creating the alchemical process of transformation.

The Aeon
Developing the power of discernment born from wisdom.

The Universe
Dancing in harmony with cosmic oneness.

Centering yourself and finding your balance.

The Star
Trusting yourself and radiating your clear vision.

The Lovers
Bringing together the union of opposites.

The Sun
Becoming a source of light and embodying creativity.

The Moon
Passing through the gateway to a new level of consciousness.

This is your SIGNIFICATOR,  You Right Now. 

When you see your card, begin by describing out loud exactly what you see in the card.

Next sense the emotional quality of the card and how you feel as you look at this card. Whatever comes to you is valid. There is no one meaning to the card.

Check inside how the words describing the card resonate with some aspect of your life right now.

As you continue to sense into this card, what is the message from this symbol?

How can this archetype guide you in the next right step in your life right now?

Congratulations on your ONE CARD Thoth experience!  

There is so much more to Tarot Therapy, of course. These images are archetypes… universal symbols which speak to our subconscious… and have many layers of meaning.

(Soon, you can learn more about the Major Arcana in my Online Training about the Soul’s Journey through these archetypes. I’ll let you know by email when it’s ready for purchase.)

Click on this button to go to

where you can find out about having
a 10-card Tarot Therapy Session with me.  

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