Would you like to become your largest, wisest, most powerful self?
The mindfulness-method ‘Focusing’ can take you to this larger perspective. Here your life becomes clear and ‘in focus’ so that you can have the breakthroughs in business, health or relationships that you want.
But with everything happening these days,
are you feeling…
Scared and anxious?
Sad and depressed?
Angry and frustrated?
Let Lucinda help you
feel better right now.
Download her FREE audios that help you go from emotional pain to peaceful PRESENCE.
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Go from Pain to PRESENCE
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“In 2008, while teaching at Mayo Medical School in Minnesota, I discovered Focusing thanks to Lucinda and it was life changing for me! Focusing is one of the best ways I’ve ever found to heal trauma by showing us how to change our relationship with the past. This releases vast amounts of creative energy and takes us to a new level of existence.
I studied Focusing with Lucinda for a number of years, and brought Focusing to Mayo Medical School, assisting Lucinda in teaching a Focusing course to medical students.
Having Focusing as a tool in my personal life and clinical practice has been profound. Along with Ann Weiser Cornell, Lucinda has been my main Focusing teacher. I remain both awed by Lucinda’s skill and grateful for the gifts she has brought to my life.”
Editor Emeritus, Mayo Clinic Health Letter
What is Focusing?
Focusing is a mindfulness method which helps you become your largest, wisest, most powerful self. NOT about concentrating, Focusing is a SPECIFIC way of listening to yourself where things become clear and “in focus,” the way a camera lens goes from being fuzzy to becoming clear and in focus.
Focusing is the essence of effective therapy, discovered in the 1960s at the University of Chicago by the philosopher and psychotherapist, Eugene Gendlin. A colleague of Carl Rogers, Gendlin researched “successful” therapy in which people’s lives got better and from that created a simple method to help people resolve the problems they face. Focusing has been further developed by Gendlin’s student, Ann Weiser Cornell, whose specialty is linguistics. Her version, called Inner Relationship Focusing, incorporates the use of brilliant facilitative language. Lucinda has been working closely with Ann for over 20 years.
Words are powerful. The language you use affects how you feel and how you experience your life. Focusing shows you how your words can change your life.
Are you willing to invest $47 in learning how to make a simple shift in language that can transport you from being merged with painful emotions to being in your powerful Larger Self?
This simple Online Training (consisting of one 30-minute Audio & a 10-page Workbook) will give you one powerful phrase that can transport you from pain to PRESENCE.
Use the Audio and the Tools at your own convenience any time you want to get bigger than your difficult emotions and find your calm powerful center and Larger Self.
ONLY $47
“In 2013, I hired Lucinda as my private coach to apply Focusing to creating the life I want. We have covered the gamut of all my personal and professional issues – health, money and relationships – as well as general well-being and happiness. She has helped me work through some stuck places caused by childhood trauma that had previously blocked me from creating more success, expanding my impact, making more money and becoming the more influential speaker that I am today. Lucinda’s masterful ability in helping these painful issues become right-sized has
allowed me to move beyond them.
Lucinda is a person of great skill, wisdom, insight, creativity, professionalism, and enthusiasm. I highly recommend Lucinda’s very specialized expertise of combining applied Focusing and clinical hypnotherapy with an overall coaching approach.”
Coach | Consultant | Speaker
Who is Lucinda?
For over 30 years, Lucinda Hayden, M.A. has been helping thousands of people around the world transform their lives through her teaching, coaching, and writing. She is the author of the Online Trainings 3 Tools for Transforming Difficult Emotions and 3 Practices for Growing Presence: How to Claim Your SuperPowers and Create the Life You Want.
Lucinda holds a Masters Degree in Teaching and brings a rich background to her coaching as a former college teacher, yoga/Pilates Instructor, Nutrition Counselor as well as Clinical Hypnotherapist.
Lucinda has been a Focusing Practitioner for over 20 years. Since 2006, she’s been on the faculty of the premier Focusing training school, Focusing Resources, teaching beginning and advanced Focusing courses. She also Mentors trainees in the Focusing Certification Program.
How Do I Work With Lucinda?
Lucinda’s coaching style is a seamless blend of applied Focusing, clinical hypnotherapy, positive psychology and perennial wisdom. She also incorporates the Enneagram and the archetypes of the Tarot as therapeutic tools in her coaching.
Lucinda specializes in working with the trait of High Sensitivity, which is found in 15-20% of the population.
To get a sense of Lucinda, you might want to begin with her Introduction to Focusing called 3 Tools for Transforming Difficult Emotions.
Private Sessions
Single session $285
3-session series $780
5-session series $1,175
Lucinda is happy to have a brief chat with you to answer questions and discover if it’s a good fit to work together.
“Since 2013, Lucinda & I have been creating and co-teaching an in-person workshop combining Focusing with Argentine tango. I’ve observed her working with our students in what are essentially “mini” Focusing sessions to help them process whatever dancing tango might trigger for them, all the way from feeling self-critical to issues of control which tend to surface in partner-dance.
I’m always amazed at how much can shift for our students in just a few minutes, thanks both to the power of Focusing itself as well as Lucinda’s skill in delivering it. I’ve had the pleasure of watching her guide people into a much more authentic connection with themselves and then from that into deeper connection with others.
Although I ultimately became an architect, I’ve been exploring various methods of self-development all of my life. As an undergraduate at Yale University, I majored in philosophy and psychology, then continued with graduate studies in body-centered somatic therapies. For many years, Aikido and Argentine tango have been my main mindfulness and moving meditation practices. I recommend Lucinda highly as someone who can really deliver results in personal transformation.”
Architect by day | Tango teacher by night
Watch this 12-minute film about Tom & Lucinda’s workshop combining Argentine tango with Focusing, called Presence in Motion.
Are you struggling with some challenging emotions?
Focusing can help you feel better
Experience this for yourself right now.
These 3 FREE Audios can help you go from emotional pain to peaceful PRESENCE.

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Go from Pain to PRESENCE
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By signing up, you’ll also find out about Lucinda’s Online Trainings.
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How Focusing Helped Lucinda
In the 1990s, I was in private practice as a Clinical Hypnotherapist. There’s a lot of value in hypnotherapy and I was having some great success but I wasn’t totally satisfied with the results that I was getting for my clients. In my personal life, I was having a hard time getting over a painful break-up. I’d heard of Focusing and decided to see if it could help the heartache… AND I WAS BLOWN AWAY.
After just a few minutes of Focusing, I had a huge shift of perspective, knowing — not just from my head but actually experiencing from my whole being — that it wasn’t the right relationship for me. I went from feeling devastated and so depressed that I could hardly move — to happy, grateful and ready to move forward — in about 30 minutes.
I knew that Focusing was the key for both my own personal journey as well as the greatest gift that I could bring my clients. I’d been on the path of personal and spiritual development all of my life. I’ve found great wisdom in everything I’ve studied, from psychology to comparative religions. In fact, they all say basically the same thing…love yourself. But none of them say HOW to do that as concretely as Focusing does. Focusing showed me exactly HOW to love myself.
After that life-changing experience, I immersed myself in Focusing and joined Ann Weiser Cornell to bring Focusing to the world. Now I can bring you the best of Focusing and hypnotherapy combined.
“Lucinda has the remarkable combination of great ability to connect with people from the heart AND being a visionary who can see positive possibilities far into the future. She is a fabulous teacher and a sensitive, empathic Focusing facilitator who can connect with the potential in her students and clients to find the way to help each person get from where they are to where they want to be.”
CEO of Focusing Resources
3 Tools for Transforming Difficult Emotions
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Lucinda has been featured in, and has presented at: